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REVEALED: PING, the world's first the Trackable Disc!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:07 am
by tobudiscs
Have you ever lost your favorite disc on the disc golf course?
Have you ever spent a good part of your game looking for where your disc landed?
The solution is finally here!

Paired via Bluetooth to your iPhone / Android phone, the TOBU app uses the power of bluetooth to track your disc. To recover Ping, you simply have to walk towards its general location, and the app will lead you to where it is! And as an added benefit, Ping will automatically begin to beep and flash once it is thrown, giving you even more opportunities to find it.


Not Compromising on Flight
A trackable disc is only desirable if it flies well. Hence, we weren't satisfied with simply sticking components onto existing discs -- even if you manage to perfectly centralize the additional component, the change in both weight and weight distribution would reduce the disc's performance.
To account for this, Ping was designed with these additional electronics in mind. A lot of engineering time and effort has been put into the design of PING so that the total package would be ideal for a long distance driver!

Focusing on the Game
We've worked hard to streamline the user experience so that you can focus on your game. As you prepare for your throw, you will not need to press any additional button as Ping will automatically enter "Tracking Mode" once it leaves your hands.
Furthermore, as soon you recover Ping with the assistance of your iPhone / Android Phone, our App will automatically calculate the statistics for your game. (eg. distance, score ...)

Meets PDGA Standards!
We were the driving force behind the recent PDGA technical standards change! (Discs can now have electronics attached and still be used in tournament play.) Ping has been designed with these standards in mind so that it can be used by both the pros and enthusiasts alike. The PING disc is currently pending approval.


About Us
At TOBU Discs, we are passionate about disc golf! Our team of disc golfers, product engineers, and software designers are on a mission to bring to market the most technologically advanced disc the world has yet to see!
We're lucky enough to live in the disc golf capital of the USA - Charlotte, NC! (There are over 40 courses in and around the city, and the number keeps growing each year!) Through our experience playing the game, and by studying the common issues most players have, we have arrived with many ideas on how to enhance the game for everyone.
Most importantly, we have the capability to bring these ideas to market. Through our strategic alliance, we have tapped into 25 years of engineering expertise with a company skilled in delivering demanding products requiring complex designs and high precision. As such, we are confident that we can deliver - but we will need your help to meet our funding goals!

TOBU has reached 53% of their goal on KickStarter and they need your help to finish their disc to market. Head on over and check them out. Don't forget to tell your friends!

If you have questions or feedback for us, please send them to us through the Contact Us page on our website and we'll be sure to respond.